The following is a summary of the models I found while looking for a suitable one.
The model I came across was Kuthlthaus (2007) Information Search Process:

Next was Michael Eisenbergs, (2009) Big 6 models that guides students in their information searching:
James McKenzies (2008) research model:
School of Library and Information Science, (2011) Pathways to knowledge model:
Finally the SAUCE model by Thomas Bond (2011):
I then took all of these models and analysed them to see the similarities between them:
After searching these models I realised that they all had various stages that were similar. They all had a form of questioning, exploring, and interpretation of the data in some form whether it be analysing, gathering, or searching for information, incorporating the information by way of applying locating or accessing information and then presenting their findings in some way. The final stage of all models had some sort of form of evaluating the process at the end. This led me back to the Information Search Process by Carol Kuhlthau.
I decided that since my Information Learning activity is based on Guided Inquiry, I would search using Kuhlthau's model of Information Search Process. Hopefully I will be feeling the emotions she suggests we should be feeling at each stage of the process. At the moment I am feeling very unclear about how the model will help me do my research but I have decided to use it to give me an idea of what the students at school will be doing and feeling. The only database I have used before in my searching process is Google so I am unsure how to use these other databases. I have never used nor heard about Boolean Operators so I'm not entirely sure how to use it. I’m going to do some research first to find out how to use them and also how to use quotation marks when searching as I have never attempted that either. This is a very new experience for me and although I might be nervous and scared about using them, I am also interested in how all this can help me in my search.
Bond, Thomas. (2011). SAUCE:Information Literacy and Inquiry Learning Model. Retrieved on 5th August, 2011 from
School of Library and Information Science. (2011). Paths to knowledge. Retrieved on 6th August, 2011 from
Kuhlthau, Carol. (2011). Information Search Process. Retrieved on 6ht August, 2011 from
Mckenzie, Jamie. (2000). Research model. Retried on 5th August, 2011 from
Eisenberg, Michael. (2009). Introducing the Big 6. Retried on the 6thAusugs, 2011 from
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